
You have now created your Discord bot. Before we can add commands/features to the Discord bot we need to design our bot and choose a topic for our bot. This will make the following days a whole lot easier. Please try to complete at least activity 1 before we begin session 2 as it will make it a lot easier.

It's will be a lot easier if you complete the activities in order as each activity builds on to each other.

If you need help with any of the activities, please ask your mentor as they will be willing to assist you.


Activity 1

Brainstorm what you want your Discord bot to do. This is completely up to you as this will be your final result from this club. Make sure to check in with me once you chose your idea, that way I can see if it is a feasible option for what you will learn in this Sushi card. This will also let me keep track of what everyone is doing, making it easier for me to help you.

Make sure to write down your idea once approved so you don't forget!

Activity 2 - Bonus

Now that you have an idea of what your Discord bot is going to be, you need to pick a name that best fits your bot. It doesn't have to relate to what the bot does, just something creative can work. Or you could just give it a random name, entirely up to you. This is your Discord bot.

You change the name under the Bot panel in the Discord developer page, where we created the bot before.

Activity 3 - Bonus

You chose a name and an idea. Now you should create/choose a profile picture for your bot. You can find a picture off google, or you could make your own using an image editor (e.g Google Drawings). It's up to you. You can upload that photo in the same place you chose the bots name in activity 2.


Did you at least finish activity 1? Do you have extra time during this first session? If you answered yes to both, please check in with your mentor before continuing to day 2.

Last updated